
To begin with Maya is not a person, she is my beloved dog. My second post is dedicated to her.

This is Maya.
This is Maya.

Maya is a six-year old Labrador Retriever and a real cutie pie! Six years ago I had the fantastic idea to get a puppy, me being nine at the time. My parents were actually pretty hard to convince, I begged for weeks and finally they gave in. We searched for a female Labrador Retriever and we found out that females were a lot harder to find. As I mentioned before I was young and I had never had a puppy before, but I was all confident.

The first time I met the nest of puppies I saw one of them and I knew that should be mine. Still really young and underestimating the situation I picked up Maya and I let her go. Yep you read that good I lost grip and the puppy fell on the ground. It wasn’t from that high up and the puppy wasn’t injured but I remember that moment very well.

Mini-me with mini-Maya.

(ignore the awful fashion choices)

I’ll just put a few more photos of this cutie down here.

Chill'in on the carpet.
Chill’in on the carpet.

The last one, I swear!

I'm sleepy...
I’m sleepy…

OK, this is really the last one. 😉

I LOVE running in the snow !
I LOVE running in the snow !

So that’s all for this post ! I hope you liked it.
